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UoF Center of Excellence

The overall objective of the project is to implement Agile PIR framework tools in six countries, including in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia and Serbia; And an updated version of the PIR study prepared for Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021, providing a clear road map for strengthening the water sector in the region.


Main Work Undertaken

Through the implementation of this project, JSTI’s overseas subsidiary, EPTISA, works closely with key institutions responsible for the management and reform of water services and with Bank staff.


Innovation Points 

Flexible policies, institutions and regulatory implementation in 6 countries (Western Balkans).

1. Learn more about the PIR elements that shape the water sector in each selected country.

2. Identify key constraints and priority reform options for each country to optimize industry performance.

3. Promote consensus among key sector stakeholders on key constraints and priorities in each country and identify actions to strengthen WSS utilities in the Western Balkans.

4. Provide a supportive environment for accelerating sustainable, equitable and universal access to water and sanitation services in the Western Balkans.

5. Coordinate the implementation of Agile PIR with the World Bank project in the Western Balkans as a key input to the implementation of the “Future Utilities” project in the region.