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Eptisa presents CAMINA Project

Eptisa presented CAMINA, a case study for the “thematic workshop on gender, diversity, ethics and communication” at the online webinar organised by ARCHETHICS, an URBACT Action Planning Network.
The objective of Camina is to promote innovative actions for culture through “Civic Curators”. The “civic curators” are “social laboratories for culture” that involve cultural users, local associations and citizens to co-design the novel Cultural Programme of Almeria through participatory planning workshops and collaborative culture initiatives. To select the members of the civic curators, the Municipality of Almeria launched a call for participants. Twelve local organisations were selected and grouped in six civic curators.
Thousands of people participated in dance, music and theatre performances, urban walks, talks, exhibitions, artistic and photography workshops. School students were involved in video-making activities and laboratory experiences. Many people had the opportunity to visit the neighbourhoods of La Chanca-Pescaderia,  Almedina  and the centre of Almeria, learning about the potential of these places and the importance of their heritage. Through the cultural activities spread around the three neighbourhoods, CAMINA achieved to attract people in places considered marginalised and deprived, places where people do not use to go due to fear or simple misinformation. CAMINA has triggered a process of de-stigmatisation of the targeted neighbourhoods, fostering the social inclusion of the people living there.
The huge participation in the CAMINA cultural events demonstrated the power of cultural participation and the important role of culture as a sound tool for inclusion and social cohesion.