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Three New Awards with the Directorate General for Water
Eptisa has been awarded three important projects to develop the technical studies for the implementation of the Flood Risk Management Plans and development and improvement of the National Floodplain Mapping System in measures of the Directorate-General for Water in:
  1. Cantabrian Hydrographic Confederation
  2. Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation
  3. Tajo Hydrographic Confederation (this project in a Joint Venture with Typsa)

With a duration of 36 months for each of the projects, the main objective of the work is the development of the third cycle of the Floods Directive of the Floods Directive and, additionally, the implementation of other actions of general interest included in the PGRIs. of general interest included in the 2nd cycle PGRIs. All these works will be will be carried out within the scope of the three Hydrographical Hydrographic Confederations.

The main actions are as follows: